The Peace of Nicias and What It Means for Israel and Hamas Today.

History Repeats Itself.   Note: (If you need a refresher on my experience in the Middle East, read this.) We’ve all heard the saying, “Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it,” and when it comes to truces in wartime, that couldn’t be more accurate. One historical truce that’s particularly striking—and a cautionary…


The Will to achieve Peace: Do we have it? (Part 2)

“Will” The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the most complex and enduring geopolitical struggles of our time. It has resisted easy solutions for decades, involving deep-seated issues of identity, land, and dignity. A cocktail of history, religion, and politics has led to a kaleidoscopic array of perspectives on the path to peace, a term that…



Peace. The ever-elusive six-letter word that hums like a mantra in the chambers of the United Nations floats on banners during rallies, and makes cameo appearances in bedtime prayers. It’s like the ultimate A-list celebrity of the lexicon, known globally yet so mysterious. So, what’s the deal? What does Peace mean? Let’s dig in, shall…

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