The New Deal and the New Dawn: Understanding America’s 2023 Landscape through the Prism of the 1930s.

Revisiting the Dust Bowl: America in the 1930s Picture it. America, the 1930s. The nation is gasping under the weight of the Great Depression. Banks have failed, families are dispossessed, and the economy is a shipwreck. Enter Franklin D. Roosevelt and his suite of policies collectively known as the New Deal. The goal? Economic revival…


The Perpetual Chasm: A Comprehensive Analysis of Political Division in the USA

Political division in the United States of America has been an ever-present reality throughout its history. However, in recent decades, the divide has grown deeper, starker, and more entrenched. This division, fueled by a complex web of factors, is shaping the nation’s political landscape, impeding progress, and challenging the democratic principles upon which the country…

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