The New Deal and the New Dawn: Understanding America’s 2023 Landscape through the Prism of the 1930s.

Revisiting the Dust Bowl: America in the 1930s Picture it. America, the 1930s. The nation is gasping under the weight of the Great Depression. Banks have failed, families are dispossessed, and the economy is a shipwreck. Enter Franklin D. Roosevelt and his suite of policies collectively known as the New Deal. The goal? Economic revival…


The Anatomy of Division: Unraveling the Complexities of Political Polarization in America

The United States of America, a nation founded on the principles of liberty and democracy, finds itself deeply entrenched in a state of political division. The chasm between political parties and ideologies has grown to alarming proportions, straining the very fabric of American society. While there is no single factor responsible for this division, a…

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