Proposal to Change American Television to Ad-Free.

I know this may seem like a dream, but let’s stay positive and open-minded and forget about our current situation. Tomorrow can be better. The TV Journey So Far American television has been a cultural mainstay for decades, evolving from the grainy black-and-white images of the 1940s to the ultra-high-definition, on-demand programming of today. This…


I keep hearing people say that DC politics today look an awful lot like 1930s Germany.

I keep hearing people say that DC politics today look an awful lot like 1930s Germany. I must clarify from the onset that drawing direct comparisons between Hitler’s Germany and contemporary American politics is highly sensitive and potentially misleading. The scale, intentions, and outcomes of the actions taken by Hitler and the Nazi party led…


The New Deal and the New Dawn: Understanding America’s 2023 Landscape through the Prism of the 1930s.

Revisiting the Dust Bowl: America in the 1930s Picture it. America, the 1930s. The nation is gasping under the weight of the Great Depression. Banks have failed, families are dispossessed, and the economy is a shipwreck. Enter Franklin D. Roosevelt and his suite of policies collectively known as the New Deal. The goal? Economic revival…


Unveiling the Human Psyche: Tragedy’s Polarizing Impact on Unity and the Emergence of Conspiracy and Hatred

If you are watching how people are reacting to the fire in Maui, you might be wondering why everyone is reacting as they are. In the tapestry of human existence, tragedy weaves a complex pattern, sometimes binding us closer together, yet other times tearing us apart. It’s a paradoxical phenomenon that showcases both the resilience…

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