The Wars You Don’t See on American News.

Introduction. While many may not be aware, my background in conflict resolution has not only been about navigating complex negotiations but also about discovering innovative ways to foster peace, even if momentarily. One approach that has shown promising results is what we refer to as “intended outcome media.” This method leverages targeted media productions to…


Is Anti-Semitic Hate Speech Allowed in America?

Is Anti-Semitic Hate Speech Allowed in America? The permissibility of anti-Semitic speech varies by country, as different nations have different laws and legal standards regarding hate speech. It’s essential to note that freedom of speech is a fundamental principle in many democratic societies, including the United States, but this freedom is not absolute and can…


I keep hearing people say that DC politics today look an awful lot like 1930s Germany.

I keep hearing people say that DC politics today look an awful lot like 1930s Germany. I must clarify from the onset that drawing direct comparisons between Hitler’s Germany and contemporary American politics is highly sensitive and potentially misleading. The scale, intentions, and outcomes of the actions taken by Hitler and the Nazi party led…


Labor Day Special Edition.

P.J. McGuire. The name might not ring a bell like some of the more famous historical figures—your Lincolns, your Einsteins—but make no mistake, this man is a cornerstone in the American labor movement. Picture it: America, late 19th century. The Industrial Revolution is in full swing. Factories are booming, steel is shaping the skyline, and…


Bad Bunny

I am completely smitten by one particular place in America that I discovered back in 1988 during a brief visit. It is a dynamic and lively place filled with passionate individuals. This place is unique and distinct from the rest of America, and it has produced some of the most exceptional musicians of our time. …

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