Globetrotting in a Turbulent World: Your Quintessential Guide to Safer International Travel

Globetrotting in a Turbulent World: Your Quintessential Guide to Safer International Travel The lure of international travel—exotic landscapes, culinary escapades, and the rush of hopping between time zones. It’s the stuff daydreams are made of, except for when the real world crashes the party, brandishing its unsolicited array of dangers. From petty theft to international…


The Will to achieve Peace: Do we have it? (Part 2)

“Will” The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the most complex and enduring geopolitical struggles of our time. It has resisted easy solutions for decades, involving deep-seated issues of identity, land, and dignity. A cocktail of history, religion, and politics has led to a kaleidoscopic array of perspectives on the path to peace, a term that…

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