My Jazz Album

Behind the Music. Welcome to my debut jazz album! It’s been quite the ride, spanning 25 years, and filled with a lot of passion and hard work. With 17 tracks, each one tells its own little story. Many of these pieces were originally created for TV shows and documentaries, so they’re often short and sweet,…


StoryDoc – Rocks!

Update on Presentation Platforms: Discovering StoryDoc (StoryDoc did not pay me for this review) Since my last deep dive into the world of presentation platforms, I’ve been exclusively using StoryDoc, and it’s been a game-changer. The tech support is shockingly effective—responsive, helpful, and always on point. Unlike the Microsoft PowerPoint and Apple’s Keynote teams,  StoryDoc’s…


Born On Father’s Day.  I was born on Father’s Day, which I believe was a cosmic signal from the universe to become the ultimate creator of the Dad joke. Just as Spiderman’s uncle famously said, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Well, I embrace that responsibility with enthusiasm. I take the Dad joke very seriously. So here are…

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