Labor Day Special Edition.

P.J. McGuire. The name might not ring a bell like some of the more famous historical figures—your Lincolns, your Einsteins—but make no mistake, this man is a cornerstone in the American labor movement. Picture it: America, late 19th century. The Industrial Revolution is in full swing. Factories are booming, steel is shaping the skyline, and…


The Last Edens: Virunga, Okavango, and Atsinanana—Nature’s Masterpieces in Peril.

The Last Edens: Virunga, Okavango, and Atsinanana—Nature’s Masterpieces in Peril Picture this—emerald forests stretching as far as the eye can see, crystalline waters meandering through labyrinthine channels, and snow-capped volcanoes standing sentinel over the land. Sounds like something out of a fairy tale, doesn’t it? Now, add a sprinkle of harsh reality—a chainsaw buzzing through…

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