The Business of Conflict: How War Becomes a Lucrative Industry

The Business of Conflict: How War Becomes a Lucrative Industry In the modern era, the nature of conflict has evolved. While historical battles were fought over territorial claims or ideological differences, today’s conflicts often mask a more sinister motive—financial gain. Across the globe, nations embroiled in conflicts are perceived not only as battlegrounds but also…


Why Does the U.S. Keep Sending Aid to Countries That Don’t Like Us?

Despite the billions of dollars in foreign aid that the United States sends worldwide, many countries don’t necessarily hold favorable opinions about America. This contradiction raises a fundamental question: Why do we keep sending aid to places where we’re not always welcomed? Having lived and worked in places like Gaza, Jerusalem, and Ukraine, I’ve witnessed…


The Wars You Don’t See on American News.

Introduction. While many may not be aware, my background in conflict resolution has not only been about navigating complex negotiations but also about discovering innovative ways to foster peace, even if momentarily. One approach that has shown promising results is what we refer to as “intended outcome media.” This method leverages targeted media productions to…


Defending the Fourth Estate: Catherine Herridge’s Stand for Press Freedom and the Battle Over Confidential Sources.

Defending the Fourth Estate: Catherine Herridge’s Stand for Press Freedom and the Battle Over Confidential Sources. In a striking affirmation of the enduring conflict between journalistic integrity and legal authority, veteran investigative reporter Catherine Herridge stands at the vortex of a legal storm that challenges the very foundations of press freedom in America. Herridge, renowned…


“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…”  

Sometimes, it’s helpful to take a step back and look at a topic from a different perspective. With this article, I did just that. These immortal words, inscribed on the Statue of Liberty, are a testament to America’s foundational promise as a beacon of hope and refuge for the oppressed. Yet, as we delve into…

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