Letter to my friend, who just beat, Cancer.

Image by svklimkin from Pixabay
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Dear Friend, 

What a remarkable journey you’ve embarked upon, from the formidable diagnosis to standing today as a triumphant survivor. Your story isn’t just a testament to your strength and resilience; it’s a vibrant tapestry woven with wisdom, compassion, and an undying spirit that radiates inspiration.

Cancer, that monstrous and perplexing entity, affects millions around the world. Indeed, it’s a name spoken with a sigh, a grimace, a shiver. But there you are, a living proof that it’s not the end, but perhaps a beginning in disguise. A beginning of awareness, empathy, and a newfound appreciation for the fragility and beauty of life.

In your new role as a survivor and a guide, you tread the delicate paths that others find difficult to navigate. Meeting fellow survivors, you exchange stories, understanding, and support. There’s a shared language that only those who’ve stood on this precipice can truly grasp.

The statistics around cancer may be cold and daunting. According to the World Health Organization, one in six deaths worldwide is due to cancer. Yet, in those numbers, there are stories of survival, hope, and triumph. The advancements in medicine, early detection, and treatments have significantly increased survival rates over the years.

But it’s not just about the numbers, is it? It’s about the human connections, the compassionate touches, and the shared smiles that transform a life-threatening disease into a journey of self-discovery and community building.

You, dear survivor, have not only conquered a battle but have become a beacon for others, illuminating the path with your grace and wisdom. You remind us that being a cancer survivor isn’t merely about defeating a disease. It’s about embracing life with a vigor and enthusiasm that perhaps was hidden before.

So let’s raise a toast to you and all those beautiful souls who’ve braved this journey. Your stories aren’t mere statistics; they are the bold strokes of a painting called “Hope.” May your tale continue to inspire and guide those who walk this path, and may you find joy in every connection you make. In the garden of life, the most beautiful flowers often grow from the toughest conditions. You are one of those blooms, radiant and indomitable.

Congratulations, and welcome to the club!

Lynn Scheid

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