About me

Media Executive, Filmmaker, Producer, Writer.

Mr. Lynn Scheid’s career is a rich mosaic of journalistic bravery, creative ingenuity, and a profound commitment to global storytelling. Starting as a news producer, Lynn began working in the crucible of war, conflict, and the intricate tapestry of global politics, bringing stories from the world’s most tumultuous arenas to the forefront. His journey over the years has been less a career and more an odyssey—a relentless quest to illuminate the human condition, whether amidst the cacophony of combat or the silent struggles within the animal kingdom.

With a passport more stamped than a New Jersey EZ Pass, Lynn’s explorations span a remarkable 191 countries, including expeditions to the Earth’s poles—testament to his insatiable curiosity and unyielding spirit. His life’s work has been a pilgrimage through diverse cultures, from Africa’s sun-drenched expanses to Russia’s frozen vastness and the myriad of experiences in between, all culminating in a deep appreciation for the world’s limitless wonders.

In the realm of television, Lynn’s Midas Touch has transformed several shows into cultural landmarks. His portfolio reads like a directory of television’s greatest hits, from the provocative exchanges on ‘Larry King Live’ and ‘Politically Incorrect’ to the kinetic energy of ‘Around the Horn’ and ‘Deadliest Catch.’ His versatility shines through in the broad range of genres he masters, from the investigative rigor of ’60 Minutes’ to the raw immediacy of ‘COPS’ or ‘America’s Most Wanted,’ and the narrative depth of National Geographic and Disney productions.

Lynn’s legacy is not only in the stories he produced but in the moments of history he captured—the seismic events that defined and reshaped our world. From the tectonic shifts of the Soviet-Afghan War to the poignant narratives of the Rwandan Genocide, his work not only documented history but also gave voice to the voiceless and vision to millions.

His insight extends beyond broadcasting to the altruistic efforts of nonprofit work. Lynn’s extensive experience with NGO projects in thirty countries demonstrates his versatility and dedication to humanitarian causes. Collaborating with organizations like UNDP, USAID, and the Ford Foundation, he has led initiatives that reflect his deep commitment to fostering development and peace across continents. He was awarded the Clinton Global Initiative Prize in 2004 for his work in the Nigerian conflict.

This panoramic view of Lynn Scheid’s career is not merely a biography; it is a beacon of inspiration, signaling the power of media to educate, inspire, and effect change. His work is a testament to the belief that a well-told story can not only capture the public’s imagination but also awaken global consciousness.

“Lynn Scheid is a model of journalistic excellence and narrative innovation. During our time together on ’60 Minutes,’ he demonstrated an incredible ability to distill complex stories into compelling television. Lynn doesn’t just report news; he creates narratives that resonate with viewers and stay with them long after the screen fades to black. His global perspective, enhanced by an extraordinary breadth of experience, brings invaluable depth to our storytelling. He is unwaveringly courageous in the face of adversity and possesses the rare talent of leading teams to produce work that not only informs but also transforms. Any newsroom would be marked by distinction and a sense of adventure with Lynn at the helm.”

— Don Hewitt, 1995

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