Jermey, Richard, James and crew- Thank You!

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Dear Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May,

I write this letter with a heart full of gratitude, reflecting on the extraordinary journey you three have taken us on for the past 23 years. Last night, as I watched the final episode of The Grand Tour—aptly titled One for the Road—I found myself genuinely moved to tears. It was more than just the end of a show; it felt like the closing of a chapter in television history, a farewell to an era that will be sorely missed by millions.

For those unfamiliar with the legacy you’ve built, allow me to introduce you properly. Jeremy Clarkson, a towering figure in British television, began his career as a motoring journalist in the 1980s before becoming a household name with Top Gear in 1988. With his sharp wit, unapologetic opinions, and larger-than-life personality, he redefined what it meant to present a car show. But Jeremy was never just about cars—he was about the adventure, the absurd, and the fun of pushing boundaries, both literally and figuratively. His ability to blend humor with knowledge and his sheer unpredictability made him one of the most captivating figures on television.

Richard Hammond, affectionately known as “The Hamster,” brought a spark of energy and daring to the trio. Joining Top Gear in 2002, his genuine passion for cars, paired with his fearless approach to the show’s wildest challenges, made him an instant fan favorite. Whether it was driving at breakneck speeds or attempting some impossible feat, Richard always delivered, often at great personal risk. His near-fatal crash in 2006 was a moment many of us will never forget, and his remarkable recovery was a testament to his resilience. Richard has always embodied that sense of adventure and determination, traits that have made his presence on screen unforgettable.

James May, the steady, thoughtful balance to Jeremy and Richard’s high-octane personas, completed the magic of the trio when he joined Top Gear in 2003. Nicknamed “Captain Slow” for his careful driving style, James brought intellect, curiosity, and a deep appreciation for the finer details to the show. His dry wit and more contemplative approach contrasted perfectly with his co-hosts, and his love for history, engineering, and discovery added depth to the show’s explorations. James proved that there’s room for both precision and passion in the world of motoring—and in life.

Together, the three of you created a chemistry that was nothing short of magical. It wasn’t just about cars—it was about friendship, adventure, and showing us the world in a way no one else could. When you moved to The Grand Tour in 2016, that magic didn’t miss a beat. You continued to challenge one another, to make us laugh, and to take us to some of the most remote and stunning locations on earth. Your ability to balance irreverence with genuine wonder and heartfelt moments was a gift to us all.

But it’s not just the three of you who deserve thanks. Behind the cameras, there was an army of talented individuals who helped create this unparalleled experience for all of us. To the directors, producers, editors, camera operators, audio engineers, and every single person who worked tirelessly behind the scenes—thank you. Without your dedication, expertise, and hard work, none of this would have been possible. From the daring cinematography that captured heart-stopping moments to the seamless editing that brought your adventures to life, the crew’s contributions have been every bit as important in shaping the show’s legacy. You all helped create something truly special that has entertained, educated, and moved millions of people around the world.

The final episode, filmed in Zimbabwe, was a fitting and beautiful end. As someone who has also driven across that magical country, I felt every twist and turn of the journey. The scenery was breathtaking, but it was the emotion that truly stood out. When you brought back the cars from that first episode in Botswana, it was a stroke of genius that choked me up. That moment encapsulated what makes you three so special—you understand the importance of history, of revisiting the past while forging ahead, and of creating moments that resonate deeply with your audience.

Jeremy, in a recent interview, you mentioned that a show like The Grand Tour wouldn’t be made today—three middle-aged men driving across the world in cars, bantering and bickering their way through adventures. As an Executive Producer who has worked on countless television projects, I have to say I agree with you. The landscape of television has changed, and the type of authentic, unscripted magic you all created over the years is rare. But that’s what makes your achievement even more extraordinary. From 2001 to 2023, you defied expectations and proved that there’s nothing quite like the bond of three friends on a grand adventure.

For 23 years, I’ve watched every episode—whether I was at home or halfway around the world, I made sure not to miss a single one. I’ve laughed out loud, shed tears, and been awed by the sheer beauty and brilliance of what you’ve shown us. And I know I’m not alone. On behalf of your millions of fans, I want to thank you for everything. Thank you for teaching us about cars, but more importantly, thank you for showing us the joy of exploration, the beauty of friendship, and the thrill of living life to the fullest.

Every car and truck manufacturer in the world should send you their newest model every year—and a gift basket every weekend! The influence you’ve had on the motoring world and beyond is immeasurable. Your recommendations have shaped purchasing decisions, and your adventures have inspired countless people to get out and see the world.

As we say goodbye to The Grand Tour, we know we’re also saying goodbye to a style of television that may never be replicated. But the memories you’ve given us, the laughter and the lessons, will stay with us forever. Jeremy, Richard, James, and the entire crew—thank you.  We will miss you, but we will never forget you.

Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors and may your adventures continue, wherever the road takes you next.

With the deepest gratitude,
Lynn Scheid

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