Betrayed by the United Nations

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The United Nations: Shame on you.

Since my first international trip back in the late 1970s, I’ve been aware of the United Nations. In my youthful ignorance, I was initially impressed by their lofty ideals. During my international work in war zones, I saw them occasionally. Even in my non-profit career, I collaborated with them on a few projects, and for nearly 50 years, I supported the UN. But my faith shattered due to the UN employees’ involvement in the Oct 7th attacks on Israel and the organization’s subsequent vile endorsement of hatred against the Jewish people.

This betrayal led me to cancel a $30 million project intended to support UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Today, I watched the UN Security Council sit smugly around their ivory tower roundtable, preaching to Israel, daring to call them war criminals while turning a blind eye to Hamas and the people of Gaza who celebrated, supported, and allowed this horror to happen. Not once did they condemn these terrorists. Instead, they targeted Israel, the country that had been attacked.

Adding insult to injury, the ignorant U.S. President, Congress, and Senate all scolded Israel like misbehaving children, denying them the aid and weapons they needed to defend themselves. I am done with the United Nations and their corrupt NGO network. How dare they turn terrorists into heroes while branding innocent civilians as criminals? In Greta Thunberg’s words, “Shame on you, United Nations!” You’ve stolen the dreams and hopes of a nation, a culture, and its children with your disgusting actions.

Shame on you, UN Security Council, for supporting terrorists. Shame on UNRWA for funneling billions of dollars into the hands of Hamas, and shame on every employee who should be fired and jailed for aiding and abetting these atrocities. You’ve destroyed the hope of the world you claimed to protect and betrayed humanity. For those unfamiliar with the UN’s true nature, read on to discover the breadth of corruption within this fraudulent organization that has allowed the slaughter of millions.

Shame on you, United Nations.

The History:

World leaders sought a new path for peace and global cooperation after World War II’s unprecedented devastation. The United Nations was established to prevent future conflicts by providing a platform for dialogue and collective security. It was also created to promote human rights, economic development, and social progress, ensuring that the horrors of the war would never be repeated.

UN Founding and Growth:

The United Nations was born out of the ashes of the Second World War, with its charter signed on October 24, 1945, by 51 founding member states. It was created to maintain international peace and security, foster friendly relations among nations, and promote social progress, better living standards, and human rights. Initially, the UN consisted of just a few departments, but over time, it has expanded exponentially, reflecting the evolving global landscape and the increasing complexity of international relations.

Structure and Function:

Today, the UN is composed of multiple bodies, including the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Secretariat, and specialized agencies such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Each of these entities it expected to play a role in addressing global challenges, from peacekeeping and humanitarian aid to sustainable development and environmental protection.

Success Stories: There are few, and I can not ignore them.

Despite its shortcomings, the UN has achieved significant successes over the years. One notable example is its role in decolonization efforts, which led to the independence of numerous countries in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific. The UN’s peacekeeping missions have also helped resolve conflicts and maintain stability in regions such as Cyprus, where I worked for the UN,  the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and East Timor. Additionally, UNICEF’s vaccination campaigns have saved millions of lives, demonstrating the organization’s impact on global health outcomes.

Failures and Challenges:

The UN has faced criticism and challenges throughout its history. One of the most glaring failures is its inability to prevent genocides and mass atrocities, as witnessed in Rwanda, Bosnia, and, more recently, Myanmar. Bureaucratic inefficiencies, budgetary constraints, and geopolitical rivalries have hampered the UN’s ability to respond effectively to crises, leading to accusations of ineffectiveness and irrelevance. Moreover, instances of corruption and misconduct among UN personnel, such as the involvement of UNRAW employees in attacks on Israel, have tarnished the organization’s reputation and eroded public trust.

The Case of UNRAW: 

The revelation that UNRAW employees participated in the October 7th attacks on Israel has raised serious concerns about the integrity and accountability of the UN’s personnel. While the organization has condemned such actions and pledged to investigate them thoroughly, the incident underscores the need for greater transparency and oversight within the UN system. It also highlights the challenges of balancing humanitarian objectives with political realities in conflict zones, where UN agencies often operate.

The Question of Relevance:

In light of these developments, many are left to ponder: Do we still need the United Nations? Despite its flaws, the UN remains the only truly global forum for addressing pressing issues such as climate change, nuclear proliferation, and pandemics. Its convening power and normative influence cannot be overstated, as evidenced by landmark agreements like the Paris Climate Accord and the Sustainable Development Goals. However, the UN’s effectiveness ultimately depends on the political will and cooperation of its member states, which have often been elusive.

As the United Nations grapples with internal challenges and external pressures, it is imperative to reflect on its past achievements and failures, as well as its potential for the future. While criticisms abound and reforms are undoubtedly needed, the UN remains a beacon of hope for a more just and peaceful world. Whether it can live up to its lofty ideals and overcome its shortcomings depends on the collective efforts of the international community. In the end, the question of whether we need the UN is not a simple one, but rather a call to action for all those who believe in the promise of global cooperation and solidarity.

It costs a lot more than you know:

The United Nations has a complex budget structure due to its various agencies, funds, and programs, each with its own financial framework.

  1. Regular Budget: This covers the core administrative and programmatic functions, including the General Assembly, Security Council, and other key bodies. For the 2022-2023 biennium, the regular budget was around $3.12 billion.
  1. Peacekeeping Budget: This is separate from the regular budget and covers the costs of the UN’s peacekeeping missions worldwide. For the 2023-2024 fiscal year, this budget was approximately $6.5 billion.
  1. Voluntary Contributions: Agencies like UNICEF, UNDP, and WHO rely on voluntary contributions from member states, the private sector, and other sources. These contributions total over $30 billion annually across all specialized agencies and programs.

In summary, the total financial resources managed by the UN and its agencies are in the range of $40 billion to $50 billion per year, including the regular budget, peacekeeping, and all voluntary contributions combined.

Despite having substantial financial resources, the United Nations peacekeeping forces have been responsible for numerous failures and allowed them to occur.

Regrettably, I have personally witnessed some of these instances of failure, and I can attest that their presence often causes more problems than the safety they are supposed to provide.

  1. Rwandan Genocide (1994): 

The UN failed to intervene effectively to stop the genocide in Rwanda, where an estimated 800,000 people, primarily Tutsis, were killed in just 100 days. Peacekeeping forces were understaffed and lacked a mandate to protect civilians, leading to widespread criticism of the UN’s inaction.

  1. Srebrenica Massacre (1995):

Despite being designated a “safe area” by the UN, Srebrenica in Bosnia became the site of the worst massacre in Europe since World War II. Bosnian Serb forces overran the enclave, killing more than 8,000 Bosniak men and boys while Dutch UN peacekeepers failed to prevent the massacre.

  1. Oil-for-Food Program Scandal (2003):

The Oil-for-Food Program, designed to alleviate the suffering of Iraqi civilians under sanctions, was marred by corruption and mismanagement. UN officials and contractors were found to have received kickbacks and engaged in illicit oil deals, undermining the program’s effectiveness and integrity.

  1. Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by Peacekeepers:

Numerous cases of sexual exploitation and abuse by UN peacekeepers have been reported in countries such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Haiti, and the Central African Republic. These incidents have damaged the UN’s reputation and raised questions about its accountability mechanisms.

  1. UN Involvement in the Oil-for-Food Program:

The UN was criticized for its role in administering the Oil-for-Food Program in Iraq during Saddam Hussein’s regime. Allegations of corruption and mismanagement tarnished the UN’s reputation and led to calls for reform.

  1. UNRWA Employees’ Involvement in Attacks on Israel (2024):

Recent reports have surfaced alleging that employees of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) participated in attacks on Israel. This revelation has raised serious concerns about the integrity and accountability of UN personnel and prompted calls for investigations and reforms within the organization.

These instances highlight some of the significant failures and crises that have plagued the United Nations over the years, undermining its credibility and effectiveness in fulfilling its mandate to maintain international peace and security.


The United Nations has betrayed its founding principles and the trust placed in it by the international community. Its misguided actions and inability to distinguish between justice and terrorism have cost the world dearly, undermining peace and stability. The UN has turned a blind eye to atrocities while condemning those who defend themselves. They preach peace yet fund terror, claiming to uphold human rights while giving sanctuary to hatred.

No longer should any nation remain complicit in funding this corrupt and fraudulent institution. It’s time to withdraw financial support and demand that the UN leave American soil. Let every nation see the UN for what it has become: a bloated, ineffective bureaucracy that has lost its moral compass. Its billions in contributions should instead be redirected to organizations that genuinely seek peace, prosperity, and security.

Let us defund the UN, strip it of legitimacy, and replace its crumbling framework with one that values truth and justice. Let us forge a new path forward, free from the tyranny of hypocrisy, and rebuild international cooperation on a foundation of integrity, transparency, and true humanitarianism. The time has come to stand up for the world’s true values and demand the United Nations be removed from the United States forever.

Personal Note:

In truth, the United Nations profoundly affected my life, though not in the way it intended. Once a believer in its potential for global good, my interactions with the UN and its actions over the years shifted my worldview entirely. What was once admiration has transformed into condemnation. Their inability to stand firm against terror while cloaking themselves in the language of peace has turned the UN from a beacon of hope into a symbol of hypocrisy and betrayal.

No longer can I support an institution that upholds double standards and fuels hatred instead of justice. The UN may claim to have made a difference, and indeed it has—by teaching me to see through the veneer of its lofty promises and recognize the depths to which it has sunk. From good to condemnation, the UN has charted a course that has left me and countless others disillusioned and demanding change.


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