Fighting Cancer & Fortnite an Odd Kinship

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It all began in 2019.

In July 2019, my life took an unexpected turn. Up until that moment, I had always felt invincible, akin to a modern-day “Superman.” My health had never been a major concern; sure, I had my share of broken bones and wounds, but those were tangible and understandable. However, when the words “You Have Cancer” were spoken to me, my sense of invincibility shattered. The shock was so profound that for weeks, I struggled to articulate a single sentence without breaking into tears. The embarrassment of crying during phone calls with work colleagues, the difficulty in admitting my diagnosis to others, and the sheer stress of it all were overwhelming.

But even these challenges paled in comparison to the grueling side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. The treatments drained me of my energy and vitality to the point where I couldn’t even muster the enthusiasm to crack a bad joke—a significant change for someone who usually found humor in everything.

During this trying period, a remarkable gesture of kindness came my way. While waiting for a radiation session, a friend gifted me a PS4 (Sony Playstation), suggesting that video games might help lift my spirits. Initially unaware of the profound impact this gift would have, I connected the console to my TV and began exploring. That’s when I stumbled upon ‘Fortnite,’ a game I had only heard of in passing. Choosing the ‘Battle Royale’ mode, I found myself alongside 99 other players, all parachuting onto an island with one goal: to be the last one standing. The game was more than a first-person shooter; it featured a deadly storm slowly engulfing the island, forcing players into an ever-shrinking space.

Little did I know, this game, this PS4, and my friend’s thoughtful act would not only alter my life but possibly save it. What started as a simple diversion evolved into a journey of empowerment, resilience, and profound self-discovery, paralleling my fight against Cancer in ways I could have never imagined.

Mind: Strategy and Mental Fortitude

Fortnite, a game centered around survival, strategy, and adaptability, mirrors the mental journey of a Cancer fighter. Just as you must constantly adapt to the changing landscape of the game, finding new strategies and tools, a Cancer journey often requires a similar mental agility. You must navigate treatments, emotional upheavals, and the uncertainty of what lies ahead.

Inspiring Aspect: The game teaches you to be quick-thinking and adaptable, skills that are invaluable when coping with a diagnosis as serious as Cancer. This mental exercise can foster a sense of control and empowerment, essential in a situation that often feels out of one’s control.

Body: Hand-Eye Coordination and Physical Response

While Fortnite is a virtual game, it involves significant hand-eye coordination and quick physical responses. Engaging in such activities can be especially beneficial during Cancer treatment, which might otherwise lead to periods of physical inactivity.

Inspiring Aspect: Playing the game keeps your body engaged and responsive, potentially aiding in maintaining physical agility and coordination during times when your body is undergoing significant stress and change.

Soul: Community Support and Escape

Fortnite isn’t just a game; it’s a global community. It offers a chance to connect with others, share experiences, and even forge friendships. This aspect of community is crucial in a Cancer journey, where isolation can be a significant challenge.

Inspiring Aspect: The game provides an escape, a virtual world where the struggles of the real world can momentarily be left behind. This escape is not about denial but about finding a space where you are not defined by your illness, a place where you can experience joy, excitement, and a sense of normalcy.

A Metaphor for Resilience and Hope

My experience with Fortnite during my Cancer journey symbolizes more than just a pastime; it represents resilience, adaptability, and the importance of finding joy and community in the toughest times. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the tools we need to cope with life’s greatest challenges can come from the most unexpected sources.

I hope that this story is a beacon of hope and inspiration, showing that in the battle for life, just like in Fortnite, every strategy, connection, and moment of enjoyment counts. It’s a powerful message for anyone facing a difficult journey: find your ‘Fortnite,’ whatever that may be, and let it empower you through the toughest battles.

The Power of Anonymity

The anonymity of online gaming, particularly in a game like Fortnite, can indeed provide a unique and therapeutic form of social interaction, especially during challenging times like battling Cancer. When real-life interactions may be clouded by the awareness of your illness, the digital realm offers an alternative space where your identity is not defined by your physical condition or medical history.

Equality in the Virtual World

In the world of Fortnite, players interact primarily through their digital avatars. This setup creates a level playing field where everyone is seen for their gaming skills and strategies, not for their real-world attributes or challenges.

Inspiring Insight: Your online friends in Fortnite know you as a warrior, a strategist, and a competitor. They engage with you based on your gaming prowess, treating you as an equal. This treatment can be incredibly liberating when, in the real world, you might feel constrained by your illness and the well-intentioned but sometimes overcautious behavior of those around you.

Empowerment Through Digital Avatars

Your Fortnite character can perform feats that might be currently out of reach for you physically due to Cancer treatments. Running, leaping, and engaging in fantastical battles provide a sense of strength and vitality.

Inspiring Aspect: This virtual empowerment can be psychologically uplifting. It’s a form of escapism that doesn’t negate your real-world challenges but offers a temporary reprieve where you can experience a sense of control and normalcy. It’s a world where Cancer doesn’t define your abilities or limit your potential.

Building Genuine Connections

The friendships formed in the gaming world can be as genuine and meaningful as any forged in person. These relationships are based on shared interests, experiences within the game, and mutual respect for each other’s skills.

Inspiring Insight: In Fortnite, you find a community that appreciates you for your gaming skills and personality, not your health status. These friendships can provide a support system that’s free from the biases and preconceptions that might exist in the physical world.

Virtual Worlds as a Sanctuary

Fortnite becomes more than a game. It’s a sanctuary where you can reclaim parts of yourself that Cancer treatments have temporarily taken away. It’s a space where you can forge friendships based on mutual respect and shared experiences, untainted by the complexities of your real-world struggles.

My experience in Fortnite underscores a profound truth: sometimes, the support we need comes from unexpected places, and empowerment can be found in realms beyond the physical. It’s a lesson about finding strength in adversity, building connections in unlikely places, and the incredible resilience of the human spirit, even in the digital age.

Empowerment from a Digital Realm

The essence of playing a game like Fortnite lies in its empowering simplicity and the independence it offers. This aspect is particularly poignant for someone going through something as challenging as Cancer treatment, where autonomy can often feel compromised.

Personal Empowerment

In Fortnite, every action, every decision, is yours alone. You are in complete control of your digital avatar, making strategic choices, navigating challenges, and engaging in battles. This control is a stark contrast to the experience of undergoing Cancer treatment, where you might often feel like a passenger in your own journey, subject to the decisions and actions of medical professionals.

Inspiring Aspect: The game provides a sense of agency, a much-needed respite where you are the master of your domain, even if it’s just a virtual one. This autonomy can be incredibly empowering, providing a sense of normalcy and control that is often missing from your everyday life during treatment.

The Joy of Gameplay

There’s an undeniable thrill in the gameplay itself. The action of pushing buttons to navigate, strategize, and ultimately defeat opponents is not just engaging but also exhilarating. It’s a testament to the power of gaming as a form of entertainment and escape.

Inspiring Aspect: The joy of gaming, particularly in a competitive environment like Fortnite, is in its ability to transport you to a world where your physical limitations don’t define your capabilities. In this world, you’re not a patient; you’re a competitor, an equal to anyone else in the game.

A Virtual Realm of Independence and Fun

Fortnite, in this context, becomes more than a game; it’s a vehicle for self-expression, empowerment, and enjoyment. It’s a reminder that joy can be found in the simplest of activities, like sitting in a chair and engaging in a virtual battle. This experience underscores the importance of finding activities that bring you happiness and a sense of independence, especially in times of hardship.

Oddly my engagement with Fortnite during my Cancer journey illustrates a powerful message: in the face of life’s toughest challenges, finding something that allows you to exert control, even in a small way, can be incredibly fulfilling. It’s not just about playing a game; it’s about reclaiming a part of yourself and finding joy in the midst of adversity.

In closing, this journey through the parallels of Fortnite and the battle against Cancer illuminates a profound truth about human resilience and the power of escapism. In a world where we often feel overwhelmed by our realities, games like Fortnite offer not just a diversion but a realm of empowerment, autonomy, and joy.

For those facing life’s toughest battles, whether it be Cancer or any other formidable challenge, the story shared here is a testament to the strength found in unlikely places. It’s a reminder that in the virtual worlds of gaming, we can find a sense of control and normalcy that might be elusive in our real lives. These games provide a platform for connection, strategy, and, most importantly, a space where we are defined not by identity and struggles but by our skills, choices, and the fun we experience.

This narrative goes beyond a personal account; it’s an inspiring message for anyone searching for a reprieve from their challenges. It encourages us to find our own version of Fortnite, a space where we can engage, thrive, and momentarily step away from the burdens we carry. In these moments of play and engagement, we are reminded of our strength, our capacity for joy, and the enduring power of the human spirit.

So, let this story be a beacon of hope and inspiration. Whether through the digital landscapes of Fortnite or other avenues of escape and empowerment, remember: there’s always a way to find light, even in the darkest of times.

Special Note: “There is nothing more fun than playing with a group of 15-year-old kids and telling them that I am 62 years old and I just won the game! The sound of their voices, when they realize a “Boomer” beat them, is priceless!”

Not to brag too much, but I did spend nearly 15 hours a day playing for 2.5 years, and I won a few competitions as well.  I went from “Pong” to “Fortnite” in one lifetime.  

Find me on Fortnite: (Poth-Man), a.k.a. Lynn Scheid

My Character is “Grimey” 

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