“Dear Pepperidge Farm, you geniuses!”

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Dear Pepperidge Farm,

I hope this letter finds you in the midst of baking yet another batch of your miraculous Mint Milano cookies. I’m writing to you not as a mere consumer but as a devout aficionado of your culinary masterpiece, the Mint Milano.

Let’s start with the basics: your cookies are not just treats; they are the epitome of joy in a bite-sized form. The Mint Milano, in particular, has become my daily dose of bliss. Its impeccable balance of chocolate and mint is not just food; it’s a harmonious symphony for the taste buds.

Now, let’s get a bit whimsical. I believe each Mint Milano cookie is a magic carpet that takes me on a gustatory adventure. When I bite into one, it’s like being transported to a verdant mint garden with chocolate fountains. The world seems a brighter place with every nibble.

On a more serious note, your commitment to quality is evident in every cookie. It’s like each one is baked with a sprinkle of care and a dash of excellence. This unwavering dedication to making something so simple yet so perfect is genuinely inspiring.

The impact of the Mint Milano on my life? Profound. It’s my companion during late-night work sessions, my solace in times of stress, and my celebratory treat in moments of joy. It’s remarkable how a cookie can be so many things to a person, isn’t it?

The Mint Milano cookie is a delightful fusion of flavors and textures that create a truly indulgent experience.


  • Mint Layer: The mint in this cookie is refreshingly cool and subtly sweet, providing a vibrant burst of flavor. It’s akin to a gentle breeze of minty freshness that perfectly complements the rich chocolate.
  • Chocolate Coating: The chocolate is smooth and rich, with a deep, cocoa flavor that melts harmoniously in your mouth. It’s not overly sweet, which allows the mint’s brightness to shine through.
  • Overall Harmony: The combination of mint and chocolate creates a luxurious blend that is both invigorating and comforting. The flavors are balanced in such a way that neither overpowers the other, resulting in a harmonious and satisfying taste experience.


  • Cookie: The cookie itself offers a delightful contrast in textures. It is lightly crisp, providing a satisfying snap when bitten into. This crispness is a perfect foil to the softer textures of the chocolate and mint.
  • Chocolate Coating: The chocolate coating is smooth and melts effortlessly on the tongue, adding a creamy texture that complements the crunch of the cookie.
  • Overall Mouthfeel: The combination of the crisp cookie and the melting chocolate creates a multi-layered textural experience. It starts with a satisfying crunch, followed by the smooth, velvety feel of melting chocolate, finishing with the lingering coolness of mint.

In conclusion, thank you, Pepperidge Farm, for crafting a cookie that’s more than just a snack. It’s a small yet significant part of my life. Keep doing what you’re doing, and know that there’s a fan out here who’s immensely grateful for your culinary artistry.

With warm regards and a craving for another Milano,

Lynn Scheid

Your Evil plot to enslave my tastebuds has worked for over 40 years.

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