A Poem: Happy 25th Birthday Google!

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Google! Twenty-five years young today, 

A tale spun in binary, in the heart of Silicon Bay. 

From humble roots to towering heights, a colossus unfurled, 

Oh, you darling algorithm that forever changed the world.


Ahem, let’s dial it back. It’s not just about PageRank, 

Although, let’s be real, we’ve got that to thank. 

It’s more about the quest, the unquenchable thirst to know, 

To organize world’s information, as the mission goes, yo.


Once a mere fledgling, a Stanford project, if you please, 

Now you connect continents and sail digital seas. 

You’ve given voices to the voiceless, lit darkness with your search, 

You’re the universal podium, the global research perch.


Serious note though, not all is rosy, of course. 

From antitrust to data issues, some actions we’d like to divorce. 

But on this anniversary, let’s reflect upon your best, 

The innovations and solutions that have put you to the test.


AdWords, Android, and yes, even AutoComplete, 

You’re the Silicon savant that simply can’t be beat. 

Let’s not forget Google Earth, a planetary ballet, 

Or Docs and Drive, where our ideas find a place to stay.


Ah, Google! With your algorithms, so elegantly spun, 

You’ve made the world smaller, connecting everyone. 

You inspire us all to dream and to dare, 

So here’s to Google—may you forever be there.


Happy 25th, Google. You’re the search that never ends, 

But most importantly, you help us find our passions and friends. 

Keep rocking the questions, the wheres, and the whys, 

As you soar through the clouds and into the skies.


May the next 25 years bring ethical strides and innovation anew, 

For the world’s a much better place with a Google like you. 

On this silver milestone, oh what a ride it’s been, 

To the next chapter of making the world’s data evergreen.


Congratulations Larry and Sergey! 

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