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The name “Hamas” is an acronym in Arabic for “Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya,” which translates to “Islamic Resistance Movement” in English.

164 days ago, Hamas killed 1500 Israelis and took 200 plus humans hostage.  Today, they still hold many of these hostages.   

Why Do You Support them? 

As someone who has spent extensive time in the Middle East for both work and personal exploration, I’ve had the unique opportunity to witness the region’s multifaceted dynamics. I’ve lived in Jerusalem and traveled across all Middle Eastern countries, immersing myself in diverse cultures and communities. In my professional life, I’ve worked with teams comprising Muslims, Jews, and Christians, harmoniously collaborating without conflict. These experiences have shaped my understanding of the region’s complexities and its people.

Over the years, I’ve directed and produced several documentaries and news packages centered on the Middle East’s political and cultural landscapes. During a news trip in the 1990s, I secured an exclusive interview with Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the founder of Hamas, in Gaza. This was a rare opportunity that required significant negotiations and security clearances. While interviewing him, I gained a unique perspective on Hamas’s inner workings, from its tunnels and underground bunkers to the rocket launchers on school rooftops.

My encounters with Sheikh Yassin and other leaders, like Yasser Arafat, revealed contrasting personalities yet a shared belief that Israel should not exist. Despite their political views, the facilities and tours they provided aimed to show a humane side, even as they demonstrated their militant capabilities.

However, the events of October 7th shattered any pretense of humanity. The brutal attacks on innocent people by Hamas revealed a barbarity that defies comprehension. What I saw in Gaza during my trips—a glimpse into their hidden infrastructure and military operations—now resonates with a sinister reality. It’s crucial to understand the true nature of Hamas and its ideology to grasp the gravity of their actions. In this article, I will delve into the Hamas Covenant of 1988, summarizing its key points to shed light on an organization that has shown its violent and inhuman side to the world.

The Hamas Covenant of 1988, also known as the Hamas Charter, is a foundational document of the Islamic Resistance Movement, outlining the organization’s ideology, objectives, and stance on various issues primarily related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Core Belief and Mission:

The charter declares that Islam is the guiding principle for Hamas. It identifies the group’s mission as waging Jihad (struggle or holy war) against Israel to establish an Islamic state in Palestine, based on the belief that Palestine is an Islamic Waqf (endowment) land. They dispute all claims to the land and refuse any proof or fact that says otherwise. 

Relation to the Muslim Brotherhood:

Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood and shares its broader Islamic vision. The charter acknowledges this connection, emphasizing the Islamic roots of the movement. The Muslim Brotherhood is an Islamic organization founded in 1928 by Hassan al-Banna in Egypt. It emerged as a socio-religious movement focused on promoting Islamic values and education. Over time, the organization evolved into a political entity with an ideology centered on establishing an Islamic state governed by Sharia law. The Muslim Brotherhood has a vast network with branches and affiliates across the Middle East and beyond, often engaging in social, educational, and charitable activities alongside its political objectives. Its members have participated in political processes and governance, but the group has also been associated with militant activities in some regions. As a result, the Muslim Brotherhood has faced both acceptance and resistance from various governments, leading to a complex legacy that varies by country and context.

Stance on Israel and Jews:

The charter is explicit about its hate and hostility towards Israel, stating that it seeks to eliminate the state of Israel. It also contains antisemitic references, claiming that Jews have been historically antagonistic towards Islam and are responsible for various global conspiracies. It is filled with disinformation.

Methods of Resistance:

The document describes Jihad as the path to achieving Hamas’s objectives, emphasizing armed struggle against Israel. Peaceful solutions and international conferences are rejected as counterproductive, and the only acceptable resolution to the Palestinian question is through Jihad. Hamas uses the term “Jihad” primarily to describe its armed struggle against Israel. The group views Jihad as a religious duty, often linking it to its objective of establishing an Islamic state in place of Israel. Hamas’s interpretation of Jihad focuses on violent resistance and military activities, including rocket attacks, bombings, and other forms of combat. It aligns with their broader ideological stance, as reflected in their 1988 Covenant, where Jihad is presented as the only solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. While Jihad has broader spiritual meanings in Islamic teachings, Hamas’s usage is typically associated with armed conflict and militancy.

Role of Women:

The charter acknowledges the role of Muslim women in the struggle, emphasizing their importance in raising and educating children within Islamic principles to continue the fight against Israel. Women are primarily expected to focus on family and household responsibilities. Marriage and motherhood are seen as central roles, with women encouraged to raise children according to Islamic teachings. Hamas strictly opposes LGBTQ+ rights, considering homosexuality illegal under Sharia law. LGBTQ+ individuals face discrimination, harassment, and even legal consequences, reflecting Hamas’s conservative stance on social issues.

Social Responsibility and Solidarity:

The charter underscores the need for social cohesion and support among Muslims. It calls for mutual assistance and cooperation to support the cause of liberation. This is how they control the population by controlling the food, money, and personal property.

International Relations and Zionism:

The document portrays Zionism as a global threat, associating it with secret societies and blaming it for various historical events. It calls for unity among Arab and Islamic nations to combat Zionism, framing the struggle as a religious duty.

Humanitarian Aspects:

While focusing on armed struggle, the charter also mentions humanitarian elements, asserting that Islam promotes tolerance and coexistence, but only under Islamic rule. It warns of violence and instability if Islam’s sovereignty is challenged.

The Hamas Covenant of 1988 emanates from a mindset steeped in hatred and derangement, reflecting a distorted worldview. This document, while complex, outlines Hamas’s extremist beliefs, goals, and methods, advocating for violence over diplomacy in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It rejects peaceful resolutions and embraces aggressive tactics, underscoring the organization’s radical ideology. They do not want peace; they want to exterminate the Jews worldwide. 

In conclusion, it’s imperative to recognize that by aligning oneself with Hamas, advocating for its cause, or echoing its slogans such as “from the river to the sea” and “death to America,” YOU unequivocally declare support for terrorism and hostility toward the United States of America. Such affiliations not only endorse violence and extremism but also pose a direct threat to peace, stability, and the values upheld by civilized societies. Let us reject terrorism in all its forms and stand united against those who seek to sow chaos and destruction.

If you truly wish to support this organization, you should go to Gaza and stage your protests there, not in the safety the United States provides you. Also, just an FYI, Hamas does not allow protests, and if you are Gay, they will Hang until you are dead on the streets of Gaza.


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