Breaking News: We Discovered Why The Chicken Crossed the Road!

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Behold, the great “Chicken Quest”! As legend has it, this plucky wanderer boldly crosses the road, not just to get to the other side, but to fulfill its destiny in the annals of poultry lore. Is it seeking greener pastures? A hidden worm treasure? Or perhaps, it’s just part of its daily routine to ruffle the feathers of conventional wisdom. Join us in celebrating this feathered trailblazer’s daring journey across the road less traveled!

1. Why did the chicken cross the basketball court?
To get to the other “fowl” line!

2. Why did the chicken cross the internet?
To get to the “world wide coop”!

3. Why did the chicken cross the construction site?
Because it heard they were “building” a better coop on the other side!

4. Why did the chicken cross the race track?
Because it heard the other side was “eggs-tra fast”!

5. Why did the chicken cross the dance floor?
To do the “chicken dance” on the other side!

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