ALERT: A Silent Crisis Unfolding!

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Dear Readers,

In the grand tapestry of global issues, a matter of pressing urgency has emerged, demanding our collective scrutiny. Today, I address an atrocity, a silent crisis unfolding in the shadows of our jubilant Easter celebrations. In my esteemed role as a guardian of truth and justice, I have stumbled upon a grievance so profound, it threatens the very fabric of our seasonal joy: The Curious Case of Brach’s Jelly Bean Disparity.

Let me preface this by asserting my credentials: I am no mere casual observer of Easter traditions. With decades of diligent Easter basket analyses under my belt, my expertise in the realm of jelly beans is, without exaggeration, unparalleled. It is from this position of authority that I now speak.

Upon the most recent Easter morn, as I embarked on my customary inspection of the ceremonial candy basket, a disconcerting discovery was made. Amidst the colorful array of Brach’s confectioneries lay a bag of Tiny Jelly Beans, a product revered for its miniature splendor. However, a closer examination revealed a discordant reality: an egregious imbalance in the distribution of colors and weights within these saccharine orbs.

Compelled by a relentless pursuit of equity, I embarked on an investigation of such meticulousness it would make seasoned chocolatiers pause. My findings? A distribution so skewed, it sent shockwaves through my confectionary sensibilities. Reds, oranges, yellows, purples, whites, blacks, pinks, and greens – each counted, each weighed, revealing a tapestry of inconsistency that could only be described as deliberate.

The Tiny Jelly Beans, revered for their compact delight, betrayed a significant variance from their full-sized counterparts. While the average jelly bean boasts a robust 4 grams, these miniature iterations fell short, with the black beans presenting a startling anomaly at a mere 1 gram. Such disproportion not only raises questions of fairness but also of intent.

What, then, does this imbalance signify? In the absence of a response from the guardians of the Brach’s legacy, we are left to speculate. Could this be a covert operation to redefine the jelly bean hierarchy? A bold move to instigate a New Candy World Order?

In this hour of confectionary confusion, I extend a clarion call to you, my fellow custodians of justice. Rise, arm yourselves with scales and notepads, and join me in a global audit of Brach’s Easter jelly beans. Together, we shall peel back the sugary facade and demand transparency.

This is not merely a campaign for candy equity; it is a crusade for the soul of Easter itself. We stand on the brink of a confectionary revolution, where every jelly bean, regardless of color or weight, is afforded the dignity it deserves.

Share your discoveries, rally the masses, and let us hold Brach’s to account. For in our quest for jelly bean justice, we affirm our commitment to a world where the delights of Easter are dispensed with fairness and generosity.


Don’t let my voice be drowned out by the Cacafany of Big Candy. Embark on a delightful journey this Easter season, and join me in a serious candy investigation. Head over to your nearest store—be it CVS, Walgreens, Target, or your favorite grocery outlet—and pick up a bag of jelly beans. With these in hand, scrutinize their colors, weigh them if you can, and share your findings with me. Whether it’s through social media or email, I’m eager to see what you uncover in this exploration of one of Easter’s sweetest traditions.

There are several versions I have not tested yet.

  1. Classic Jelly Beans: The timeless favorite, featuring a mix of pineapple, lemon, lime, orange, strawberry, cherry, and grape flavors. Available in a variety of package sizes from 3.5oz to a generous 62oz.
  2. Spiced Jelly Beans: For those who prefer a kick with their sweetness, these jelly beans come in spiced flavors that add an intriguing twist to the traditional jelly bean experience.
  3. Speckled Jelly Beans: These beans stand out with their speckled exterior, offering a visually appealing and tasty option for your candy dish or Easter basket.
  4. Black Licorice Jelly Beans: Catering to the fans of licorice, these jelly beans deliver the rich, distinctive taste of black licorice in every bite.
  5. All Reds Jelly Beans: A dream come true for anyone who loves red flavors best, this selection includes only red jelly beans in various fruity flavors.
  6. Tiny Jelly Beans: These miniature beans pack the classic flavors you love into a smaller size, perfect for those who enjoy a tinier treat.
  7. Easter Brunch Jelly Beans: A novel addition that brings the flavors of Easter brunch into jelly bean form, offering a unique taste experience.
  8. Springtime Soft Jellies: Soft, chewy, and full of flavor, these jelly beans are a softer alternative to the classic hard shell variety.

Each of these varieties brings something special to the table, whether it be through flavor, size, or aesthetic. Whether you’re looking to fill Easter baskets, create colorful candy dishes, or simply enjoy a sweet treat, Brach’s jelly bean lineup has something for everyone. For more detailed information, including where to purchase these festive sweets, visit Brach’s official website

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