Proposal to Change American Television to Ad-Free.

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I know this may seem like a dream, but let’s stay positive and open-minded and forget about our current situation. Tomorrow can be better.

The TV Journey So Far

American television has been a cultural mainstay for decades, evolving from the grainy black-and-white images of the 1940s to the ultra-high-definition, on-demand programming of today. This journey has been marked by iconic shows, technological breakthroughs, and an ever-expanding commercial landscape. In the early days, TV was a luxury, a window to a world beyond the living room. As it became more accessible, it transformed into a powerful medium for storytelling, news broadcasting, and, crucially, advertising.

The Role of Advertisements in American TV

Advertisements have been inseparable from American TV since its inception. They’ve shaped programming schedules, influenced content creation, and funded the industry. However, they’ve also been a source of frustration for viewers, often interrupting the viewing experience. The rise of subscription-based models like Netflix and Hulu has highlighted a growing appetite for ad-free content, suggesting a shift in consumer preferences.

Imagining a Subscription-Only TV Landscape

Let’s envision a future where American TV follows a subscription-only model akin to the UK’s BBC. This hypothetical scenario raises fascinating possibilities and challenges:

  1. Ad-Free Content: The most immediate change would be the elimination of commercials. This could lead to uninterrupted programming, potentially changing the structure and pacing of shows.
  2. Funding and Quality: Relying solely on subscription fees could mean more stable funding for content creation. This might foster higher-quality productions, as seen with some streaming services.
  3. Accessibility and Inclusivity: A flat subscription fee could raise concerns about affordability and accessibility. Balancing quality content with inclusive access would be crucial.
  4. Diversity of Content: Without the need to cater to advertisers, TV could explore more diverse and niche topics, possibly leading to a broader range of programming.

Idea: Transforming PBS into an American BBC

Transforming PBS into a model similar to the BBC presents an intriguing prospect:

  1. National Reach and Unity: A restructured PBS could become a unifying national signal, offering a mix of entertainment, news, sports, and other content.
  2. Public Service and Commercial Balance: Striking a balance between commercial interests and public service would be vital. The focus should be on serving the public good while maintaining financial viability.
  3. Content Independence: Freed from commercial pressures, PBS could focus on impartial news coverage and culturally enriching programming, potentially elevating the public discourse.
  4. Innovation and Experimentation: This new model could encourage innovation in programming and delivery methods, keeping pace with technological advancements and changing viewer habits.

Potential Challenges and Considerations

  • Funding Sustainability: Ensuring a steady revenue stream without advertisements would be a significant challenge. The feasibility of a flat fee system, like the UK’s television license, needs careful consideration.
  • Public Acceptance: Transitioning to a subscription-only model would require public buy-in. The value proposition must be clear and compelling.
  • Regulatory and Political Factors: Such a transformation would involve navigating complex regulatory and political landscapes, requiring careful planning and negotiation.

Financial Model for the Proposed American National TV Channel

The Vision

My proposal for a new American National TV channel offers a transformative approach to broadcasting. By leveraging digital technology and a subscription-based model, this vision seeks to provide high-quality, educational, and culturally diverse content at a fraction of the cost of current cable services.

Financial Breakdown

  • Revenue Model: With 100 million subscribers, each paying $150 annually, the channel would generate $15 billion annually. This is a significant increase from PBS’s current budget of approximately $339 million.
  • Operating Costs: The operating costs for such a network would need to cover content production, technology infrastructure, staff salaries, and other operational expenses. Even with a budget of $15 billion, careful management would be essential to ensure high-quality content and efficient operations.
  • Infrastructure: 4K-Digital-Broadcasting over free airwaves would reduce dependency on cable networks. The one-time provision of digital decoder boxes to subscribers would be a significant initial expense but could be a sustainable model long term.
  • Distribution and Management: Partnering with a company like Amazon for transaction and distribution management could offer efficiency and reliability. However, this partnership would need to be negotiated to ensure favorable terms for the network and its subscribers.


  1. Cost Savings for Consumers: Reducing annual TV costs to a maximum of $150 would be a significant saving for most households, considering current cable costs ranging from $100 to $500 per month.
  2. Quality and Diversity of Content: A larger budget compared to PBS’s current funding could allow for more diverse, educational, and high-quality programming.
  3. Accessibility: Broadcasting over digital airwaves would enhance accessibility, potentially reaching a wider audience.

 Challenges and Considerations

  1. Subscriber Base: Achieving 100 million subscribers is ambitious. It would require substantial marketing efforts and a clear value proposition to attract and retain such a large subscriber base.
  2. Content Creation and Curation: With a focus on educational, cultural, and socially relevant content, the network would need a robust content creation and curation strategy to appeal to a diverse audience.
  3. Technological Infrastructure: Ensuring reliable and widespread digital broadcast coverage would be crucial, as would managing the distribution of decoder boxes.
  4. Regulatory Compliance: This model would have to navigate complex broadcasting regulations and might require legislative support or changes.
  5. Transition from Public Funding: Moving PBS off federal funding to a self-sustaining model would be a significant transition, requiring careful planning and management to ensure continuity and quality of service.

 A Participatory Model for the New American National TV Network

The Concept of Viewer Empowerment

My vision for the new American National TV Network is not just about changing the funding model but fundamentally transforming the relationship between viewers and their television content. By giving viewers a direct voice in content selection through voting on a website and app, I am proposing a democratic, participatory approach to broadcasting that aligns closely with American ideals and values.

 Key Features of the Model

  1. Viewer-Driven Content: Viewers can vote for the types of shows and programming they want to see. This level of engagement ensures that the content remains relevant and appealing to a broad audience.
  2. Reduced Need for Market Research: By directly involving viewers in content decisions, the network can reduce the need for traditional market research and marketing strategies.
  3. Removal of Investors and Profit Motive: Operating as a subscription-based entity, the network is free from investor pressures and the need to generate profit, focusing instead on delivering quality content.
  4. Independence from Government Funding: This model eliminates the need for government support, aligning with the ethos of self-sufficiency and public service.

 The Ten-Year Covenant

  • Duration: A 10-year agreement would provide the network with a stable foundation to build out its infrastructure and establish itself. Following the ten-year term and based upon a successful outcome, the network becomes a permanent business.
  • Commitment from TV Owners: By having TV owners commit to paying an annual fee of $150, the network secures a predictable revenue stream to support its growth and development.
  • Viewer Engagement: This period also allows viewers to adapt to the new model and actively participate in shaping the content.

 Potential Benefits

  • Alignment with American Values: This model reflects a distinctly American approach to public broadcasting, emphasizing freedom of choice, democratic participation, and independence from government influence.
  • Cultural and Educational Enrichment: With a focus on diverse, educational, and socially relevant content, the network has the potential to become a significant cultural and educational resource.
  • Cost-Effectiveness for Consumers: The model promises to deliver high-quality content at a fraction of the cost of traditional cable services.

 Challenges and Questions

  • Ensuring Broad Participation: Encouraging a large and diverse viewer base to participate actively in content selection is crucial for the model’s success.
  • Maintaining Content Quality and Variety: Balancing popular demand with the need for diverse, educational, and culturally significant programming will be essential.
  • Technological and Operational Feasibility: Implementing a user-friendly, reliable voting system and managing the logistics of subscription and decoder box distribution are significant challenges.

A Call to Reimagine Public Broadcasting

This vision for a new American National TV Network is ambitious and innovative, reflecting a deep commitment to democratic principles and public service. It offers a unique opportunity to redefine the relationship between broadcasters and viewers, creating a television service that truly reflects the desires and values of the American public.

As with any groundbreaking venture, there will be challenges, but the potential rewards— a more engaged, informed, and culturally enriched society— are immense. This model invites the American people to be not just consumers of content but active participants in shaping the media landscape.

Who’s with me?



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