Iced Tea -It is a Bit of an Obsession.

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Iced Tea – it is a bit of an obsession for me.

I have always had a passion for Iced Tea since I was a child. My mother used to make it fresh, but when she wasn’t around, I would use Lipton’s instant iced tea. However, nothing beats the taste of freshly brewed iced tea. During my travels around the world, I have taught many hotel bartenders how to make it from scratch. When I lived in Africa, I even imported an ice maker and challenged the staff to make the perfect glass of iced tea.

One fun fact about my love for iced tea is that when I lived in England, my colleagues and staff would make fun of me for pouring my tea over ice. The British found it absurd and would often ridicule me for it. But I would always respond with the fact that the man who invented it, Richard Blechynden, who is aa personal hero of mine. His god-like intelligence and creativity led to the creation of this refreshing drink that so many people enjoy today. Guess what country he is from?

The Cool Elixir: Unveiling the Refreshing Tale of Iced Tea

In a world where beverages have transcended mere refreshment to become emblematic of cultures and traditions, there’s a timeless delight that holds a special place in the hearts of many – iced tea. Picture this: a tall glass, beads of condensation glistening in the sunlight, brimming with a liquid the color of red-gold. The clinking of ice cubes against the glass is almost like a symphony, heralding the arrival of a drink that’s as soothing as it is invigorating. Whether you’re basking in the warmth of summer or seeking respite from a sweltering day, iced tea is a versatile and cherished companion.

The Genesis of Tea: A Journey through Time and Culture

To embark upon the history of iced tea, one must first delve into the origins of its precursor – tea itself—the narrative of tea dates back over five thousand years to ancient China. According to legend, Emperor Shen Nong accidentally discovered tea when some tea leaves fell into a pot of boiling water he was preparing. Fascinated by the resulting infusion, he tasted it and found it to be a revitalizing elixir. The popularity of tea quickly spread, evolving into an integral part of Chinese culture and eventually making its way along trade routes to other parts of the world.

The Invention of Iced Tea: A Stroke of Refreshing Genius

The creation of iced tea, however, is a more recent chapter in this millennia-spanning tale. In the early 20th century, Richard Blechynden, an enterprising Englishman, introduced iced tea to the world in a remarkable manner. The year was 1904, and the St. Louis World’s Fair was in full swing. On a scorching day, Blechynden was faced with a dilemma. He had set up a booth to promote Indian tea, but the heat was dissuading fairgoers from trying hot tea. In an inspired moment, he decided to serve the tea cold, over ice.

As the story goes, visitors to the fair were captivated by the refreshing innovation. The icy cold tea offered respite from the heat, and thus, the tradition of iced tea was born. From that point forward, it became a beloved beverage that resonated not only in America but around the globe.

Brewing the Perfect Glass: Crafting Your Own Iced Tea Experience

Creating the perfect glass of iced tea is an art that combines science with personal preference. Begin with high-quality tea leaves, such as black, green, or herbal varieties, to infuse your water with rich flavors. Brew the tea to its optimal strength, taking care not to over-steep and invite bitterness.  However, remember that the water must be extremely hot for the tea to be released properly from the leaves. Allow the brew to cool naturally before transferring it to the refrigerator to chill. My favorite tea is Lipton regular tea bags.

When serving, the choice of sweetness is paramount. Whether you opt for a hint of honey, a sprinkle of sugar, or the earthy sweetness of agave, finding the right balance is essential to crafting your ideal glass of iced tea. Some people garnish with a slice of lemon, a sprig of mint, or even a handful of fresh berries for an aesthetic touch. I like my tea straight, with no flavors.

Sipping Through Time: A Concluding Toast to Iced Tea

As we sip from our glasses, beaded with the promise of refreshment, it’s worth pausing to reflect on the journey that brought us this delightful concoction. From the ceremonial rituals of ancient China to the serendipitous innovation of iced tea at the St. Louis World’s Fair, this beverage embodies both the traditions of the past and the spirit of inventive curiosity.

So, whether you find yourself seeking solace from the blazing sun or simply yearning for a revitalizing pause, remember that in the comforting clink of ice cubes against glass lies the legacy of generations past – a legacy that invites us to savor each sip and relish the simple pleasures that connect us to a broader tapestry of human experience. Cheers to iced tea – a timeless companion on our journey through life’s changing seasons.

Try brewing it fresh, pouring it over ice, and letting it breathe before enjoying its refreshing taste.

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