The American Worker – Poem

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The American Worker.

On this sunny September 4th, let us gather and adorn,

Our hearts and minds with gratitude, for the workers we applaud,

For it is Labor Day, a time to honor, steadfast and strong,

The men and women who built this land, and to whom we all belong.

So, raise your voices high, let the hymn of labor sway,

In praise and appreciation for the tireless workers’ play,

For within their hands and sweat-drenched brow, lies a nation’s birth,

A testament to the dreams they sow, the fruits they brought to earth.

In factories and fields, atop the glittering towers of steel,

In classrooms and hospitals, with determined hearts unyielding,

They sow the seeds of progress in ships and planes ablaze,

The American worker, an emblem of strength, lighting up our days.

From the miners deep below, to the farmers with the soil,

From the teachers in the classrooms, to the nurses who toil,

From the builders of the cities, to the artists of the stage,

Each worker’s contribution, an act upon history’s page.

It is the courage in their hearts, the resilience in their stride,

That has shaped a mighty nation, where dreams can never hide,

For their labor, sweat, and tears, have paved this sacred ground,

A nation built on hard work, where dreams and hopes are found.

We celebrate this day, not with parades and revelry alone,

But with a deep appreciation shone, for the seeds that they have sown,

For the laborers who toil each day, in their dedicated might,

We raise the flag, in their honor, shining bright in labor’s light.

So let us pay a tribute, to the American worker’s grace,

Their dedication, their commitment, we boldly now embrace,

May we never forget the strength, ingenuity, and thrive,

Of the laboring hands, that have made this nation thrive.

Lynn Scheid

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