My Enchanting Journey through Romania: Unveiling Beauty, Culture, and Mystique.

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In the heart of Eastern Europe lies a land that beckons travelers with its timeless charm and diverse tapestry of experiences. I have visited multiple times and even filmed a TV series in the country. During my first visit, I was fortunate enough to be taken on a breathtaking road trip spanning the entire nation. Romania, a country steeped in history and mythology, is a captivating destination that promises an adventure like no other. Embarking on a journey across this enchanting land, one is met with a symphony of landscapes, flavors, and stories that intertwine to create an unforgettable travel experience.

Traversing the Scenic Roads:

The journey begins with the rhythmic hum of tires on winding roads as travelers traverse the scenic landscapes that makeup Romania’s diverse topography. From the towering Carpathian Mountains with their misty peaks to the quaint villages nestled in the valleys below, the country unveils its natural beauty at every turn. Picture-perfect scenes emerge as you drive through rolling hills, vast meadows, and dense forests, each a testament to Romania’s rich biodiversity.

Journal Entry: 

During our journey through Transylvania, my tour guides and I stopped at a charming restaurant. As the waiter approached our table, I couldn’t help but notice a small cloth bag hanging around his neck. Curious, I inquired about it, and he explained that it was his “Garlic” bag, which he wore to ward off vampires. After enjoying a delicious meal that left me feeling quite sleepy, the waiter stopped me as I was leaving and gifted me a Garlic bag of my own. He advised me to keep it close, as it would come in handy on my travels.

Amidst this picturesque backdrop, history comes alive in the form of medieval castles and fortresses that stand as sentinels of bygone eras. Perhaps none is more iconic than Bran Castle, commonly associated with the legendary Dracula. While the bloodthirsty vampire of literature may be a creation of Bram Stoker’s imagination, the castle itself has a fascinating history rooted in medieval Europe. Perched atop a hill, Bran Castle’s turrets and spires inspire both awe and intrigue, conjuring visions of the past while offering panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.

Embracing Cultural Encounters

As travelers venture deeper into Romania, they find themselves immersed in a cultural kaleidoscope that reflects the nation’s rich tapestry of influences. Traditional Romanian villages, with their vibrant folk art, showcase a way of life that has stood the test of time. Dotted with wooden churches adorned with intricate carvings and colorful frescoes, these villages glimpse Romania’s rural heritage.

In cities like Bucharest, the capital, and Cluj-Napoca, a vibrant university town, modernity, and history blend seamlessly. Cobblestone streets wind through lively marketplaces, where the aroma of freshly baked pastries mingles with the melodies of street musicians. The Romanian people, warm and hospitable, take pride in sharing their traditions and stories with curious travelers. Engaging in conversation with locals offers a deeper understanding of the country’s past and present, creating connections that transcend mere tourism.

Identity: Romanians are not Gypsies – Gypsies are the Roma people.

The Roma people and the Romanians. While they might share some historical connections and geographical proximity, they are distinct in terms of culture, ethnicity, and background.

First, let’s meet the Roma people, often referred to as Gypsies. The Roma are a diverse ethnic group with a rich and complex history that spans centuries and continents. They have faced numerous challenges and prejudices throughout their history, but their cultural resilience and vibrant traditions have endured. The Roma originated from northern India and migrated to Europe around a thousand years ago, spreading across various regions and developing distinct dialects and cultural practices.

On the other hand, Romanians are an ethnic group and a nation native to the region of Romania, located in Eastern Europe. The Romanian language, a Romance language with Latin roots, serves as a testament to their historical ties to the Roman Empire. Romania is known for its captivating landscapes, castles, and traditions. The country’s history is a tapestry woven with influences from neighboring regions, including Slavic, Hungarian, and Ottoman cultures.

So, here’s the crucial distinction: Gypsies, or the Roma, encompass a group of people with a shared history of migration and a nomadic lifestyle. They have been historically marginalized and continue to face challenges in terms of social inclusion and discrimination. In contrast, Romanians are the inhabitants of Romania, a country with a rich history and distinct culture. They have a more localized and settled existence, contributing to the tapestry of European diversity.

Remember, understanding these differences is not just about cultural appreciation but also about acknowledging the challenges faced by marginalized communities and promoting inclusivity. By embracing the uniqueness of both groups and learning from their histories, we can aspire to create a world that celebrates diversity and fosters unity. So, let’s embark on this journey of knowledge and empathy inspired by the richness of human experiences across the globe.

The term Gypsies is deeply offensive to the Roma, and they are a very proud people.  I went to a Roma music festival which was amazing.  If you like brass bands, then you would love their annual festival, which is all brass.  

The last point about identity is that the Romanian people do not like being called or thought of as Gypsies. The Roma population causes a great deal of frustration for the Romanian people, police, and government.

Culinary Delights and Gastronomic Adventures:

No journey through Romania would be complete without savoring its delectable cuisine, a fusion of flavors influenced by its diverse cultural heritage. Traditional dishes like “sarmale,” cabbage rolls filled with seasoned minced meat and rice, and “Mămăligă,” a hearty polenta dish often paired with cheese and sour cream, tantalize taste buds with their robust and comforting flavors.

Exploring local markets provides an opportunity to sample a myriad of regional specialties, from artisanal cheeses to succulent sausages. Wash it all down with a glass of “țuică,” a potent plum brandy that warms the soul and fuels lively conversations. And for those with a sweet tooth, a slice of “papanași,” a doughnut-like dessert topped with sour cream and jam, is a must-try indulgence.

Musical Echoes and Timeless Traditions:

Romania’s musical heritage adds another layer of richness to the travel experience. The haunting melodies of traditional Romanian folk music, characterized by soulful violins and passionate vocals, speak to the heart and evoke a sense of longing and nostalgia. In villages and towns across the country, one can still witness lively celebrations and folk festivals where locals come together to dance, sing, and celebrate their cultural identity.


When my crew and I were filming with the Bucharest Police Department, a group of Police took us out to dinner, and they attempted to teach us all about their most prized beverage.  It may seem unbelievable, but Romania’s national drink is actually a type of moonshine known as “Tuică” which translates to” Brandy.”  This potent spirit is made from plums and is distilled in homemade backyard distilleries, much like Americans make homemade beer. Plums are one of the most abundant crops in the country, making it a popular ingredient for this drink. Their Plums are really amazing and full of juice, and very sweet.  The monshire is very sweet and fruity flavored, and it is also 100 Proof alcohol.  The first one was hard to drink; the next five went down like water, or so I am told. 

Although Romania is known for the legend of Dracula and his mountaintop stone castle, many visitors are unaware of the long-standing tradition of making Tuică during the months of waning daylight. This alcoholic drink has been produced since medieval times and is said to be best found at roadside stands and in rustic villages, often packaged in round-faced, canteen-shaped vessels.

I have a theory that Bram Stoker may have had a bit too much Tuică one night when he believed he saw Dracula. I am not a big drinker; in fact, I am a cheap date, and one shot of Tuică and I was in my happy place. This stuff is strong, and they are very proud of it, and they really like teaching me about it.  Needless to say, I do not remember much after the first sip.  The next morning, I was glad to see I didn’t have any tattoos.

Unveiling the Mystique of the Night:

As daylight fades and shadows lengthen, Romania’s mystical allure takes center stage. In the region of Transylvania, tales of vampires and supernatural beings have woven a web of mystery that continues to captivate the imagination. While Dracula may be a fictional character, the historical figure Vlad the Impaler, upon whom the legend is loosely based, adds an element of intrigue to the region’s history.

For those drawn to the macabre, a visit to the fortified church in Sighișoara, Vlad’s alleged birthplace, offers an eerie yet captivating experience. Stepping into the cobblestone streets and medieval architecture, one can’t help but be transported back in time, feeling the weight of history and myth converge.

Communist Past:

When visiting Romania, there is one era and person that cannot be missed. The architecture is a reminder of its communist past, and it is important to know about Nicolae Ceaușescu, who once had a powerful presence in Eastern Europe. It is also important to recognize the resilience and impressive nature of the Romanian people, who overthrew their communist rulers in 1989.

Picture a man of humble origins, born in 1918 in the rustic heartlands of Romania. Ceaușescu’s journey from a village upbringing to the pinnacle of power is a testament to both human potential and its complicated consequences.

With steely determination, he rose through the ranks of the Communist Party, eventually ascending to the presidency in 1967. His rule brought a unique blend of authoritarianism and nationalism, reshaping Romania’s identity both domestically and internationally. His ambition and drive fueled grandiose projects, from colossal monuments to ambitious economic endeavors. Ceaușescu aimed to transform Romania into a model socialist state, a beacon of independence amid the Cold War’s turbulent seas.

Yet, with such ambition often comes a darker side. His rule was characterized by a potent cocktail of suppression and surveillance, curbing freedoms in the name of order. The secret police, the Securitate, cast a long and chilling shadow, a reminder of the trade-offs often encountered in pursuit of grand visions.

His story reached its crescendo in the late 1980s as the iron grip of his regime began to falter. A sequence of ill-conceived policies and economic mismanagement led to severe shortages and stifling poverty. The patience of the populace was stretched thin until it finally snapped in December 1989.

In a series of events that would reverberate across history, a nationwide uprising culminated in the fall of Ceaușescu’s regime. The people had spoken, and the authoritarian leader, who had once seemed invincible, was swiftly brought to justice.

As we reflect upon this complex figure, we find inspiration in the capacity of a nation to rise against oppression, shake off chains and forge a new path. Ceaușescu’s story is a reminder of the tension between ambition and humanity, a lesson that even the grandest of visions must be tempered by empathy and a commitment to the well-being of all.

In the end, Nicolae Ceaușescu’s legacy is one of caution and possibility, a reminder that unchecked power can breed both prosperity and despair. Let his tale inspire us to navigate the currents of leadership with a steady hand, ever mindful of the true cost of our ambitions.

Romanian Revolution: Dec 16, 1989 – Dec 25, 1989

The Christmas Revolution, also referred to as the Romanian Revolution, was a time of intense civil unrest in Romania in December of 1989. It was part of a series of revolutions that took place in various countries around the world as part of the Revolutions of 1989, including nations in Eastern Europe. These revolutions occurred prior to the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

The revolutions primarily took place in Central Europe, commencing with the Polish workers’ mass-strike movement in 1988 and subsequently spreading to Hungary, East Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, and Romania.

A Journey Beyond Borders:

As my journey through Romania came to an end, I was left with memories that span the realms of nature, culture, and the fantastical. The country’s ability to seamlessly blend its past with its present is a testament to the resilience of its people and their commitment to preserving their heritage. Through scenic landscapes, heartfelt interactions, flavorful cuisine, Moonshine, and mythical tales, Romania invites all who venture there to embrace the unknown, discover the extraordinary, and be inspired by its incredible beauty.

Final thought: Unforgettable Encounters in Romania:

In the heart of Eastern Europe, Romania’s enchanting landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and mythical mystique create an unforgettable travel experience. As you traverse the scenic roads, delve into its diverse cultures, savor its culinary delights, and immerse yourself in its haunting melodies, Romania reveals itself as a land of contrasts and complexities. Beyond the tales of vampires and legends, it’s a nation that beckons explorers to embrace the unfamiliar, forge connections with its people, and be inspired by the magic that resides within its borders. So, pack your bags, embark on this remarkable journey, and let Romania weave its captivating spell around you.

I love the country and the people of Romania.

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